Editor’s Note: Staying Out for the Summer

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The fleeting Beijing spring has already left us, and summer is here again. For me this brings back memories of when we first arrived in the city, at the beginning of last August: those first few weeks of jetlag, stunned by the summer heat, dazzled by an alien environment and struggling with the simplest tasks. It’s hard to believe that was less than a year ago, now that we are settled and happy, busy at work and school, the children chatting cheerfully in Chinese.

And already my brief stint as interim Managing Editor is coming to an end, as I hand over the reins to Vanessa Jencks for the next issue. I’m not leaving the magazine though; I’ll be returning to my substantive role as Contributing Editor, as well as hopefully finding some time for my other writing and teaching activities. I’ll be traveling with my family too, venturing out into the Gobi desert and to a Tibetan horse racing festival. Look out for tales of our adventures on the new-look beijingkids website!

In this issue you’ll find lots of ideas for getting outside and making the most of the sunshine. Whether you want to splash around in a pool (p28) or lounge on a terrace with a cool drink (p23), we know all the best places to go. And on page 44, find out from three families the secrets of their favorite Beijing parks.

Beware of too much dolce far niente though. Mary Jew, Head of Keystone Academy Primary School, warns us of the danger of “summer fall back” (p48). Fortunately, we have the answer in our comprehensive listing of summer camps. Whether your kids are budding actors or artists, soccer stars or marine biologists, you’ll find details of the perfect camp for them!

Keep yourself and your family healthy this summer, with advice from our medical columnists on sun safety (p19) and staying hydrated (p22). And I’ve been looking into the science of “skeeters”, to find out what makes mosquitoes tick and how best to keep them away (p20).

Let’s not forget that June brings Father’s Day too. We’ve got a special Dad make over in this month’s Indulge (p16), and there’s suggestions for gifts and treats for the Dad in your life on page 18. Just in case my wife should read this, I think I’d look rather dapper in a bespoke suit…


This article originally appeared on page 7 of the 2016 June-July Issue of beijingkids magazine. Click here for your free online copy. To find out how you can obtain a hard copy, contact distribution@truerun.com.

Photos: Dave’s Studio and Vanessa Jencks

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