1. I recently went to open a bank account at China Merchant’s Bank (招商银行)and was told I need to provide a Chinese personal tax ID number (个人纳税号)in addition to the passport I’d brought along. I have no idea what it is, and since it was the weekend I couldn’t ask my company’s finance dept. Is this a new regulation for all banks?

    • Andrew Killeen on

      Hi Yoshiko, we’ve asked our company’s Finance Department (who work with China Merchant Bank) and they don’t understand this. I certainly wasn’t asked for it when I opened my account there. We’ll continue investigating, but sometimes you get a different answer if you go on a different day and ask a different person… Might be worth trying again, and we’ll update here if we discover anything further!

  2. Hi Andrew! Thanks for looking into this– I’m planning to go try a Bank of China to see if they require it too. I’ll report back when I do, in case this really is (or isn’t) a new requirement!

  3. Andrew Killeen on

    Great, hope you get it sorted! Please do let us know if the rules have changed and we’ll update the article.

  4. Hi! Quick update — I was able to open an account at the Bank of China embassy district branch (across the street from the Volkswagen office) with just my passport; they didn’t even mention anything about a tax ID number. So — not sure if the ‘requirement’ at the China Merchant’s Bank is their own or what…

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