1. Christine Kizito on

    You are the best
    People should know any child born is a gift to your life no matter what gender

  2. Miriam Laker on

    Dear Pearl,

    What a timely beautiful piece. Today is my first son’s birthday. Coincidental?Psychic? . I recall having conversations with friends about gender when with my first 9 month tenant :-),luckily it was more about colors for clothing,nursery etc. .And because I chose to out on D day,we ended up with a cute moses basket bordered in pink lace…And used it happily! There was some talk too about what career paths she/he would pursue as a mixed child in Ug ,which could make a fascinating write up with all its absurdities for the most part!
    I feel that the prayer should be for a HEALTHY baby if one is lucky to have one. And if not Healthy,then,pray for strength and courage to raise whichever gender one delivers!

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